< 868 the sky is the limit

上星期六是我结婚十周年,老公为了给我一个惊喜,专门在游艇上预定了烛光晚宴。他还告诉我,不要考虑价钱,想吃什么、喝什么,随便点。这倒让我想起一个习惯用语,叫,t he sky's the limit. Sky, 是天空的意思。Limit, 限制。The sky's the limit. 天空是你的极限。意思就是说,没有限制,一切都是可能的。

结婚十周年,我老公想好好犒劳我一下,所以可以随便点菜,the sky's the limit.


例句-1: Our daughter's wedding planner has lots of ideas. He suggests we have the reception at a five-star hotel featuring a lobster dinner on fine china and get a full orchestra to play. Huh? Does he think the sky is the limit? Of course, we want her special day to be memorable. But it will have to be on a much more modest budget.


这倒让我想起我的修车师。每次我去换机油,他都会提出一大堆建议,换个新的空气滤清器,换个新的挡风玻璃刮水器什么的,有时候,我真觉得他是在骗我。不过,我也很明确,don't let him think that the sky is the limit.


The sky's the limit,还可以用来形容年轻人潜力无穷。在下面这个例子里,高中田径校队的教练谈到了自己一个叫Dave的队员。

例句-2: Dave is one of the hottest track and field athletes in the nation. He's already being talked about for the U.S. Olympic Team and is picking up endorsements from several sponsors. His good looks and winning personality only add to his potential for a successful future. As far as I can see, the sky is the limit.




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