< Lesson 14: How About This?
15 May, 2016

Anna: Hi, there! In Washington, D.C. people do many things in the evening. They go listen to music. They eat at a restaurant. They go to the theater.

Anna: Tonight I am going to the theater with my friends. But I don't know what clothes to wear. Maybe this magazine can help.
Anna: Her clothes are beautiful! I really want a friend like her to help me.
Anna: Who are you?
Genie: I am Genie! You want help. I am here to help you find the right clothes!
Anna: Awesome! How about jeans and a t-shirt?
Genie: No! Jeans and a t-shirt are too casual. How about something more formal?
Anna: Sure!
Anna: Wow! Genie, this dress is beautiful. But it's not the right size. It's too small.
Genie: Yes, it is too small. But green looks great on you.
Anna: Thanks.
Genie: Take off the green dress. Let's try a green shirt and a skirt.
Anna: Oh, Genie! This green shirt is too large and this orange skirt is too orange.
Genie: Yes, the right size for you is medium. Let's try again.
Anna: Oh, I don't like this outfit.
Genie: No. That does not match.
Anna: Nothing.
Anna: These clothes are formal: a suit jacket, a dress shirt and a tie! They look great!
Genie: Those clothes look great ... for a man! Something is wrong.
Anna: Let me see.
Anna: There. Now try.
Genie: Oh. Thanks! Now these clothes look great on you!
Anna: They do! Um, Genie, can you put on a gold belt?
Genie: Sure!
Genie: That looks great.
Anna: Can you put on a jacket?
Genie: Why not?
Anna: I love the jacket! How about a hat?
Genie: Why not?
Genie: Mm, take off the hat. That's better.
Anna: Genie, these clothes look and feel great! Let's go to the theater!
Genie: Sorry, Anna. I have to help other friends. Go to the magazine if you want me to help again.
Anna: Thanks, Genie. Sure thing. Goodbye!
Genie: Goodbye!
Anna: There are many places in DC to go for a great evening out! And it's nice to have a friend to help me look my best. Until next time! Bye!


New Words

casual - adj. designed for or permitting ordinary dress, behavior, etc
clothes - n. the things that people wear to cover their bodies and that are usually made from cloth
formal - adj. requiring or using serious and proper clothes and manners
large - adj. great in size or amount
magazine - n. a type of thin book with a paper cover that contains stories, essays, pictures, etc.

man - n. an adult male human being

match v.to be suited to (someone or something); to go well with (someone or something)

medium - n. something that is sold in a medium size; something that is the middle size when compared with things that are larger and smaller
music - n. sounds that are sung by voices or played on musical instruments
nothing -pron. not anything; not a thing
outfit - n. a set of clothes that are worn together
put on - phrasal verb to dress yourself in (clothing)
restaurant - n. a place where you can buy and eat a meal
size - n. one of a series of standard measurements in which clothing, shoes, etc., are made
take off - phrasal verb to remove (something)
theater - n. a building where plays, shows, etc., are performed on a stage
too - adv. usually used at the end of a sentence or clause; in addition; also
wearv. to use or have (something) as clothing; to have (a shirt, pants, etc.) over part of your body

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