< 941 the blind leading the blind

前几天我生病了,从没下过厨房的女儿很贴心地给我做了一顿饭,我感动得不行,可实话实说,那饭菜的味道实在是不怎么样。我一问才知道,是老公教女儿做的。怪不得! 我老公的做饭技术就非常初级,在他的指导下,女儿哪能做出什么美味呢?这个事情让我想到了一个习惯用语:the blind leading the blind.

The blind leading the blind,字面的意思是盲人指引盲人,其实就是指“外行指导外行”。我老公做饭水平很低,结果还去教别人. it was the blind leading the blind. 这完全是外行教外行。


例句-1:When my son's coach called me about substituting for him at this weekend's soccer practice, I had to turn him down. Sure, I had watched him a few times work with the kids. But I didn't know enough about the game to train or teach them the skills they needed. That would have been the blind leading the blind!


这真是个负责任的好爸爸。顺便说一下,像他这种每个礼拜带孩子去练足球的爸爸在美国有个特定称呼,叫soccer Dad, 当然,妈妈就是Soccer Mom。这种“足球父母”一般都开着大面包车,把自己的孩子和孩子的朋友同学一块儿带上,接送他们练球。



例句-2:My friends and I were promised an experienced guide on our trip to Alaska. Instead, we ended up with someone who didn't know the area any more than we did. She even got us lost. It was the blind leading the blind. Now we want our money back from the tour company.



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