< 3566 ameliorate
学个词 ---ameliorate
学个词 ---ameliorate

今天我们要学的词是 ameliorate. Ameliorate is spelled A-M-E-L-I-O-R-A-T-E, ameliorate.

Ameliorate 的意思是改良,改善。The State Department issued a statement to welcome the formation of a new Iraqi Government that is capable of confronting the COVID-19 pandemic, ameliorating the country's current economic distress, and bringing arms under state control. 美国国务院发表声明,欢迎伊拉克组建一个有能力应对新冠病毒大流行、缓解国家目前的经济困境以及将军火控制在国家手里的新政府。

In his recent Wall Street Journal op-ed, Henry Kissinger calls for programs to ameliorate chaos, suggesting the big government bailouts and government interventionism we witnessed in response to the Great Recession. 亨利·基辛格最近在《华尔街日报》发表的专栏中呼吁采取平息混乱的措施, 建议进行当年为应对大萧条而采取的大规模政府救助和政府干预。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 ameliorate, ameliorate, ameliorate.

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