< 3327 tug of war

今天我们要学的词是 tug-of-war.

tug-of-war 指的是拔河游戏,常用来指双方的争夺战。 The tug-of-war between congressional Democrats and the Trump administration for further information and material pertaining to the Russia probe is expected to continue. 国会民主党人与特朗普政府之间还会为了有关俄罗斯调查的进一步信息和材料进行更多的拉锯战。

Western diplomats say Macedonia, like the Balkans as a whole, has become part of the tug-of-war between Russia and NATO. 西方外交官说,马其顿就像整个巴尔干半岛一样,已经成为俄罗斯和北约之间互相争夺的一部分。

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