< 2839 review

今天我们要学的词是review。Review动词,意思是回顾、查阅。Dr. Peter Breggin, who did not treat Michelle Carter, told Bristol County Juvenile Court Judge Lawrence Moniz that he reached his conclusions after reviewing Carter's educational records, text messages and police files. 彼得·布利金医生并不是米歇尔·卡特的治疗医生,他对布里斯托郡少年法庭法官劳伦斯·莫尼兹说,他是在查阅了卡特的教育历史、短信以及警察的档案后得出的结论。Trump's Justice Department has asked the Supreme Court to review the travel ban matter. 川普政府的司法部已经向最高法院要求重新审阅旅行禁令。好的,我们今天学习的词是review, review, review...

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