< 2703 stumbling block

今天我们要学的词是 stumbling block. Stumbling block 名词,障碍。The release of political prisoners continues to be a major stumbling block for peace negotiations between the Philippine government and the rebels. 释放政治犯始终是菲律宾政府和反政府武装间和平谈判的绊脚石。以色列立法人员通过法案,使约旦河西岸约四千个定居点住宅合法化,此举受到联合国的批评。All Israeli settlements in the West Bank are viewed as stumbling blocks to peace efforts. 约旦河西岸所有以色列定居点都被认为是和平努力的绊脚石。好的,我们今天学习的词是 stumbling block, stumbling block, stumbling block...

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