< 2497 touch off

今天我们要学的词是 touch off. To touch off 意思是引发,触发。A new report written by civil servants in Britain’s government warned that leaving the European Union could touch off a decade of uncertainty. 英国政府公务员撰写的一份报告警告说,离开欧盟可能会给英国带来整整十年的不确定性。Students displaying anti-gay stickers at a California high school touched off a debate: is it hate speech or free speech? 美国加州一所高中的学生佩戴反同性恋的标志而引发争论:这种做法体现的到底是仇恨言论,还是展现了言论自由呢?好的,我们今天学习的词是 touch off, touch off, touch off...

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