< 2494 archive

今天我们要学的词是 archive.

Archive 作为名词,有档案馆的意思。

A Polish archive released documents on Monday that allegedly showed that former President Lech Walesa collaborated with the communist secret police in the 1970s. 波兰一家档案馆星期一公布了一些文件,据称这些文件显示,前波兰总统瓦文萨70年代曾跟共产党秘密警察合作。

The International Committee of the Red Cross digitized its entire archive of materials spanning more than 150 years and put it online for anyone to browse. 国际红十字会将自己150多年的档案全部数字化,放到网上供所有人浏览。

好的,我们今天学习的词是 archive, archive, archive...

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