< 2334 extradition

今天我们要学的词是 extradition. Extradition 引渡。Former vice president of FIFA Jeffrey Web, who was arrested as part of a massive corruption investigation, has agreed to extradition to the U.S. 因涉嫌腐败被拘押的前国际足联副主席韦伯同意被引渡回美国。U.S. officials say the prison escape of a Mexican drug lord illustrated the need for extradition of captured cartel kingpins to the U.S. 美国官员表示,墨西哥一个大毒枭越狱逃跑一事凸显了将落网毒枭引渡回美国的重要性。好的,今天我们学习的词是 extradition, extradition, extradition...

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