< 2185 mammoth

今天我们要学的词是 mammoth. Mammoth 做为形容词,意思是庞大的,巨大的。A mammoth effort is underway to digitally publish tens of thousands of Albert Einstein's letters, papers, postcards, and diaries. 把爱因斯坦成千上万份书信,论文,明信片和日记整理并在网上发表的一项巨大工程正在进行之中。美国打车服务公司Uber又筹集了12亿美元的融资。With the additional money, Uber is setting itself up for what its investors hope will be the next mammoth IPO. 新资金的注入,让Uber 为象投资者希望的那样,成为下一个重磅上市公司做好了准备。好的,今天我们学习的词是 mammoth, mammoth, mammoth...

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