< 1783 recover

今天我们要学的词是recover. Recover 做为动词,有发现,找到的意思。Russian scientists recovered free-flowing blood from the frozen body of a 10,000 to 15,000 year old mammoth found on a remote island in the Arctic Ocean. 俄罗斯科学家在北冰洋一个孤岛上发现了一只一万到一万五千年前进入冰冻状态的长毛象,并从其体内提取出流动状态的血液。DC police recovered about 2,000 guns last year. 华盛顿特区的警察去年收缴了大约两千支枪。About eight out of ten guns recovered are handguns. 在收缴的枪支中,每十支枪里,就有大约八支是手枪。好的,今天我们学习的词是 recover, recover, recover...

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